Thursday, January 6, 2011



  1. Hello starting this blog to talk to Bunker Hill golfers.Hope to add to it daly to talk about course conditions and answer any ? You my have about the course. Fred

  2. Getting ready for some more snow!!!

  3. Snow starting to come down at Bunker Hill.

  4. Got about 2" of snow at Bunker Hill. Looks like some more on the way. Hope not to much would like to get some more tree work done.

  5. More snow. Bunker Hill is covered again.

  6. Go JETS great game. Looks like a good week of weather. Hope to get back out and work on some trees.

  7. Love the snow sleders. Guess the private property signs dont mean much.

  8. More snow tonight. Maybe 12". Let spring come.

  9. Snow starting at Bunker Hill. Let it snow.

  10. Lots more snow at Bunker Hill. Getting to the turf facilty is getting harder and harder. Again any one up for some cross counrty skiing? New snow is going to be great.

  11. Well we got about 9" of snow getting to the turf facilty is getting hard. Start to sharpen reels on mowers, gettig ready to cut some greens. Any one up for some Xcountry skiing?

  12. Went out on new Xcross country skies today snow was great. Bunker Hill got a both a golf show. Come by and check it out.

  13. Going out on skies to chase the geese. Been seeing lots of foxs this winter. Nice big healthy. Thats good they can chase the geese to. Looks like some rain coming next week.

  14. Lots of sun and very warm. Lots of snow melting but more coming thur. Night. To much snow this year.

  15. Looks like we going to get more snow at Bunker Hill. Lets hope for the smaller amount, they are saying 3 to 5 at the course.

  16. I'm on to see what's going on at the BIG Bunker Hill! Keep the parking lot open so I can get in....

  17. More snow! :-)

    This is getting to be a bit too much! Are the deer running? Seeing any other animals?

  18. Looks like more winter weather. Cant wait to get out and hit a ball. Getting ready for the golf show. Hope to see lots of you there.

  19. Lets see what we get wed. no one seems to know whats coming rain snow ice. Lets hope for rain.

  20. Last snow little much for me. Will it ever stop. Looks like more next week. Well the golf show is coming up that will get us back in golf mode.

  21. Snowing again, starting to stick to ground. Lots of house work this weekend.

  22. Getting ready for Golf Show hope to lots of you there. Have some great things to give out.

  23. Great day friday at golf show. Hope sat will be good to. Saw lots of Bunker Hill golfers. Looks like we are just going to get rain.

  24. Had a great show. Saw a lot of the Bunker Hill family. Hope we have some more days like today. Thanks to all that came out and helped at the show.

  25. Can you check out and write a review for the course. Keep them nice Thanks Fred

  26. Warm days coming. Snow melting fast. Wont be long.

  27. Lots of snow melted today. Long day in clubhouse today. We are getting there. Thanks to all that are helping. Its going to be a great season. Fred

  28. Crazy winds outside. Hope we dont lose any trees. Looks like warmer temps later this week. GREAT.

  29. Well the day is here. Wed. 2/16/2011 another little girl. Hope all goes well. Will let you.

  30. Had a great morning. 8lbs,13oz 20.5 in long.

  31. Hi Fred,
    On a different - obviously less important note:
    with the 40+ temperatures this week, do you see a chance of opening the course over President's Day weekend? Help ... I'm on golf-withdrawal ...

  32. I hope. Lots of turf starting to peek out. I will keep you posted. Club House open come meet some of the new staff and sign up for a league and handicap card.

  33. Getting there wont be long. Im looking at next week. Will keep posting daily to let you know. I cant wait.

  34. Looks like we get to come home Sat. morning. Cant wait to have my new little girl out on the course with me. Have to get new cart with a car seat in it for her.

  35. Got home Sat. afternoon. She loves it out here, cant wait to show her off. Still some snow out here. Hope we get rain tonight not snow. Will keep you posted.

  36. Got home Sat. afternoon. She loves her new home. Still snow on some of the course. Hope we get rain tonight not snow.

  37. Well we got more snow. Ground was covered again. Now its starting to melt again. Hope we get rain tonight maybe we can open this week.

  38. Looks like rain monday. Thinking we will open wednesday. Check web site. See you out on the course.

  39. Out working on course. Little wet but not to bad. We will be open Wed. Cant wait to see you out on the course

  40. Come out and play on Wed. Course will be open. See you out there.

  41. Good Morning Little colder today. Had a great day on wed. lots of golf. Started to clean up course greeens made it through the winter in great shape. Hope to see you out on the course soon.

  42. Getting ready for day 3. Working on cleaning the course. Started with greens and tees and wil be working on fairways today. Any ? you may have please let me know so I can answer them for you. You can stop me on the course or ask some one in the pro shop to get me. Talk to you soon. Fred

  43. What a great day Sat. very busy. Today 6 golfers and lots of rain. Draged and cleaned back 9 fairways came out great. Hope to get the front 9 on Mon. Please stop the rain.

  44. Lots of rain Sun. very, very wet out on course cut up some down trees today. Hope to start working on traps soon.

  45. Course starting to dry out. Now more rain cant win. Hope to have a nice day Wen. May be cut some fairways. Lets see. Weekend starting to book up. Do you have a tee time?

  46. Lots of rain today. More tonight. Very wet. Have to go get a freezer for club house in am. Lets hope for a nice weekend.

  47. Lots of rain today. More tonight. Have to get a freezer for clubhouse in am. Lets hope for a nice weekend.

  48. Still raining. Will it ever stop. Lets see in the morning.

  49. More rain today. Started rebuilding trap on #2 green should be readyfor play this weekend. Started to cut fairways and plan on cutting greens fri. morning

  50. All cut greens tees fairways. Trap on #2 green came out great. Looks like another great weekend.

  51. Getting colder. Still lots of golf.

  52. What a day. Snow in morning all melted now sitting on my deck. Lets hope thats the end of the snow.

  53. Hi,

    I joined the senior league this year, and I'm trying to access the KPGA site to set up my profile. I get a message that I'm not in the system, even though I was given a number last monday. Can you help?

  54. Good morning, then the rain came.

  55. Crazy day sun rain sun. Lets hope for a good Wed. Will be working on traps.

  56. 1st Outing of the year. Good Golf, Great Food, And lots of Beer. Make a great outing. What a great day. Sunday will be better. Do you have a tee time I have mine, see you on the course.

  57. Just finished rebuilding trap on 6. Came out great. Will do the next one next week. Grass is growing fast. 2nd outing Friday cant wait.

  58. Started working on traps on 6. First one came out great. Will start second one this week. More Rain. Graet.

  59. Put new flags out. New flags are three colors. Red/white front,black/white middle, and blue/white back. Hope you like them. Let me know . See you on the course.

  60. Just found out we are keeping regular weekday rates for good friday what a great deal. Lets hope for some good weather.

  61. More, and more rain. Will it ever stop?

  62. Good Morning. Cool air and sun coming up on 14 what a start to a day. Well this will be better Bring in your phone and show this post to the pro shop staff and your round is on me TODAY (5/6/2011). Come get some golf in before work doors open at 630 am.

  63. Have you signed up for golf and steak?

  64. What a day. Check out adds for Friday, steak night. What fun. Play some golf and get a steak dinner. Can't go wrong.

  65. Great game in philly tonight. Had great seats. Back to cutting rough in morning.

  66. Its been some time. I think after we cut in am we will have all the rough cut. The crew is doing there best to keep up. Now hot suuny weather. Should get irr. System up and running. Need to fix pipe over the bridge again. Willst as rt working in morning.

  67. Well its been about a month from my last post. Course is holding on great. Some hot weather is moving in. Going to be an early morning on irr the greens. If you read this and stop me on the course I will have a gift for you. See you on the course.

  68. Well any one out there? Its been a crazy summer. Hot and dry now so wet we can't cut. Let me know what you think of the course. How did it play this summer. Feed back would be great. Thanks

  69. Sign up for the Red White &Blue event Friday afternoon. Call pro shop to sign up.

  70. Course is looking great. Going to be some big changes on 3 fairway. Work starts wed. Hope you like it. Let me know.

  71. hows that tree doing next to 3 fairway?

  72. Thanks for the post. Nice to see people are out there. 3 looks great. Going to start grading left side and putting done seed.

  73. October 29 super challenge. Going to be a great time. Come see if you can take the challenge. Call pro shop to sign up.

  74. More work on three. Soil and seed work. Coming out great. Ideas coming in for the challenge. Crazy stuff.

  75. At Rutgers for some class. Check weather for Sat. Crap

  76. We are open. Little wet but course look great.

  77. Happy New Year. See you in 2012. Going to play golf first day of the year. Great.

  78. This is crazy. People just keep coming.

  79. Saw first snow working on course today. Two mins. later sun out. Crazy.

  80. Crap its cold out. Just drove out on course in cart. Some crazy sounds coming from woods. Dog going crazy. Its cold.

  81. Crap its cold out. Just drove out on course in cart. Some crazy sounds coming from woods. Dog going crazy. Its cold.

  82. see you at golf show
    Tony McCracken Sr.

    1. Tony missed you at golf show. Did you make it over? Hope you did it was another great show.

  83. Course Snow covered for a couple days. Lets see how much rain we get. Hope it all goes away.

  84. Planed first cut for greens. Thursday.

  85. What a day!!! Looks like some r as in coming in for the weekend. We could us so water.

  86. Been some time. Let the blog go and put more in to Facebook. Going to try to keep this going.

  87. Heading out side to check how bad the frost is this morning. X my fingers.
